Linux command classification 명령어 모음집은 아래 참고 [Linux] 기본 명령어 모음 Basic Linux Commands (A-Z 순) 참고 GitHub - oneonlee/Computer-Science: Intro.. display information general: man process: ps, who, finger, top, last, history file: location: find, which, whereis, l..
file tree / : root directory bin : executable files ls, zip, cat, chown, df, du, env, ftp, grep, ... etc : system configuration files password (password file), hostname (the name of this server), … home : user home directories linuxer2 (home for user linuxer2), park(home for user park), … usr : library files, header files lib (library files are here), include (header files are here), …
relative path, absolute path (상대경로, 절대경로) If the path starts with /, it is an absolute path; otherwise it is a relative path. cd /home/linuxer1/12345 -- go to /home/linuxer1/12345 cd 12345 -- go to directory 12345 in the current directory if the current location is /home/linuxer1, go to /home/linuxer1/12345 if the current location is /bin go to /bin/12345 If the destination directory does not ex..
special symbols . : current directory cp f1 ./f2 -- copy f1 to f2 in the current directory .. : parent directory cp f1 ../f2 -- copy f1 to f2 in the parent directory > : standard output redirection cat f1 > f3 -- display the content of f1 in f3 (same effect as “cp f1 f3”) | : pipe. redirect the standard output of the first program into the standard input of the second program cat f1 | more * : m..