Advancing continual lifelong learning in neural information retrieval: definition, dataset, framework, and empirical evaluationPublication Info: Information Sciences 2025URL: task의 맥락에서 Continual Learning 패러다임에 대해 명확히 정의함Continual IR을 평가하기 위해, Topic-MS-MARCO 데이터셋을 제안함주제별 IR task와 predefined task similarity가 포함CLNIR..
information retrieval
Dense Retrieval Adaptation using Target Domain DescriptionCited by 3 ('2024-10-22)Publication Info: ACM ICTIR 2023URL: Dense Retrieval Adaptation using Target Domain DescriptionIn information retrieval (IR), domain adaptation is the process of adapting a retrieval model to a new domain whose data distribution is different from the source domain. Existing methods ..
GPL: Generative Pseudo Labeling for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Dense RetrievalCited by 142 (’2024-10-22)Publication Info: NAACL 2022URL: GPL: Generative Pseudo Labeling for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Dense RetrievalKexin Wang, Nandan Thakur, Nils Reimers, Iryna Gurevych. Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of..
Continual Learning of Long Topic Sequences in Neural Information RetrievalCited by 6 ('2024-10-22)Publication Info: ECIR 2022URL: Continual Learning of Long Topic Sequences in Neural Information RetrievalIn information retrieval (IR) systems, trends and users' interests may change over time, altering either the distribution of requests or contents to be recommend..
Cited by 23 ('2024-10-22)Publication Info: ECIR 2021URL: Studying Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Ranking ModelsSeveral deep neural ranking models have been proposed in the recent IR literature. While their transferability to one target domain held by a dataset has been widely addressed using traditional domain adaptation strategies, the question of their cross..